Started on April 27, 2024

gun violence in America

Gun violence is a public health problem. It’s also a political issue, which means that every time there’s a mass shooting and people talk about gun control, we end up with more questions than answers. That’s why I’m writing this post: to help you understand the facts about gun violence in America and what it means for your life.

gun violence statistics

Gun violence is a big problem in the US. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that more than 33,000 people died from gun-related injuries in 2017. That’s more than twice the number of deaths caused by motor vehicle crashes, which are often cited as one of our most pressing public health crises.

Gun violence also affects everyone–even if they don’t own guns themselves. According to the CDC, over 50% of all firearm deaths occur among people who don’t own any firearms at all; these include law enforcement officers, children who find unsecured weapons at home and use them on themselves or others (suicide), or bystanders hit by stray bullets during street fights or other gang activity involving firearms.

gun violence statistics 2023

Gun violence is a serious issue in the United States. There are many statistics that can help you get a better idea of how bad gun violence is, including:

  • How many people are killed by guns in America?
  • How many people are shot in America?
  • How many people are shot every day in America?
  • How many people are shot every year in America (and where do they live)?

u.s. gun deaths per year

“The United States has the highest number of gun deaths per year, outstripping even war-torn countries like Afghanistan and Iraq.”

“According to data from the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), there were more than 36,000 firearm-related fatalities in 2016–the most recent year that comprehensive statistics are available. That’s more than double the number of U.S. soldiers killed during the entire Vietnam War.”

how to stop gun violence

There are a lot of things that can be done to help prevent gun violence. Here are some suggestions:

  • More gun control. There are too many guns in this country, and their sale should be more tightly regulated. It’s not enough for us to say “guns don’t kill people, people kill people.” That may be true in some cases, but it’s also true that guns make it much easier for someone who wants to hurt others (or themselves) with them–and if there were fewer guns around then those bad actors would have fewer opportunities available at their disposal.*
  • More education about guns. Many Americans don’t understand how dangerous firearms can be; they think that if someone has obtained one legally then there must be nothing wrong with having it around the house or on their person at all times.* * This misconception needs correcting through education campaigns targeted at children and adults alike.* * In addition: more responsible ownership practices would help prevent accidents from occurring while still allowing responsible owners access when necessary (for example when hunting).

effects of gun violence

Gun violence is a public health problem. It’s also a leading cause of death among young people in the United States, with gun-related deaths claiming 10,000 lives annually. According to the CDC, approximately 30% of all homicides are committed with firearms and more than 70% of those deaths are due to suicide.

Gun violence affects people from all races and ethnicities across socioeconomic statuses–and it doesn’t discriminate based on gender either: Women who live in homes where there is at least one gun are six times more likely than other women to be murdered by their partners.[1]

when did gun violence start

Gun violence has been an issue for over 100 years. The first gun control laws were passed in the early 1900s, but they were not effective. Gun violence continued to rise throughout the 1900s and into this century, as well as other countries like Australia that have seen major drops in gun deaths after implementing stricter regulations on firearms.

what causes gun violence

Gun violence is a public health problem. The causes of gun violence are complex and include poverty, mental illness and racism. The causes also include access to guns, lack of education and lack of mental health care.

Gun control laws have been proven ineffective in reducing violent crime rates because criminals do not follow the law by definition. It doesn’t matter how many laws you pass if criminals aren’t going to follow them anyway!

The only effective way we can reduce gun violence is through education programs that teach children about safe firearm use from an early age so they grow up knowing how dangerous these weapons can be if mishandled by someone without proper training or supervision (elderly people especially). We will also need stricter background checks when purchasing firearms so that convicted felons cannot purchase guns legally at local stores like Walmart or Dick’s Sporting Goods where people go shopping every day after work while they wait for their train home.”

gun violence statistics by year

The number of gun-related deaths in America is staggering. According to the Gun Violence Archive (GVA), there were over 39,000 gun-related deaths in 2018 alone. This includes suicides and accidents as well as homicides–and it doesn’t include those who survived their injuries but lost limbs or suffered permanent brain damage because of them.

In 2019, GVA estimates that at least 20 people have been killed by guns every day since January 1st!

This is an alarming statistic that should concern everyone who lives within our borders or travels here for business or vacation: more than 100 million people visit the United States each year!

This is a public health problem

Gun violence is a public health problem. It’s a big one, too–in 2017 alone, more than 38,000 people were killed by firearms in the United States. That’s more than all our war dead combined since World War II.

It isn’t just that gun deaths are so frequent; it’s also that there are many causes behind them and many ways we can reduce them. But first you have to understand what causes gun violence in America today–and how those factors interact with each other over time.


Gun violence is a public health problem. It’s time we treated it like one.

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