Started on April 27, 2024

Home Defence Training

This guide is designed to give you a basic understanding of home defense training. It covers not only what to do in case of an emergency but also how to avoid becoming a victim and how to deal with the police afterward.

The realities of crime in and around the home

  • Crime is a reality.
  • It can happen to anyone, at any time, in any place, and with varying degrees of violence or unpredictability.
  • Criminals are opportunistic: they take advantage of circumstances that present themselves as opportune moments for crime to be committed – whether it’s stealing from home because no one is watching or breaking into your car when you’re not around (or even if you are).

Prevailing mindset

  • The prevailing mindset in your area is one of complacency. People feel that they don’t need to be prepared for a disaster because it’s unlikely to happen here.
  • You should take steps to ensure that your own mindset is not complacent. If you have not done so already, start building up your emergency supplies now and prepare yourself mentally for what could happen if an emergency strikes.
  • It’s also important to consider other possible mindsets that may apply in different situations: perhaps the people around you will panic and become violent; maybe there are others who are more prepared than you are and will try to take advantage of those who aren’t as well-prepared (or even force them out of their homes). In this case, being able to defend yourself against threats becomes even more important!

Use of force and the legalities of defending your home

The law allows you to use reasonable force to protect yourself and others. You can only use as much force as is necessary to stop the threat, so if an intruder flees after being hit with a baton or taser, then you should not pursue them further. However, if it’s clear that they are still a threat (for example, if they’re armed with a weapon), then chasing after them would be justified under the law.

It’s important to remember that self-defense isn’t just about physical violence; it also applies when someone verbally threatens you with violence or tries to intimidate you into giving up your property or money by making threats of harm against people close to you (such as family members).

Conventional security measures: doors, windows, locks, lights, and alarm systems

  • Locks and deadbolts: These are the most basic forms of home defense. They keep people out, but it’s important to remember that they can also keep you in if you’re not careful. Always keep your keys with you when leaving the house so that if there is an emergency, such as a fire or flood, your family will have somewhere safe to go outside of the house until help arrives. If possible, install a door alarm system so that if anyone tries to break down your door while everyone else is sleeping (or awake), it will automatically alert them before anything happens!
  • Alarm systems: An alarm system can go along with any type of lock; however, some homeowners prefer standalone systems because they don’t require any modifications or additions to their current locksets–just one simple installation process and voila! You’ve got yourself some peace of mind knowing that no matter how many times someone tries breaking into your home while everyone else sleeps peacefully upstairs knowing nothing about what’s going on downstairs… well… maybe not exactly peaceful but at least comfortable enough where they’re not worried about anything happening right now anyways 🙂

Safe storage of guns and ammunition in the home

The importance of safe storage

The safe storage of firearms and ammunition is an important aspect of home defense. It reduces the risk to you and your family by making it less likely that children or others can access your firearms when they are not under your control, such as when you go to work or on holiday.

To ensure this happens:

  • Ensure that all weapons are stored securely in a locked container at all times. The container must be made from metal or hardwood with a minimum thickness of 15mm (0.6 inches). If possible, choose one with key-locking devices on both sides so it cannot be opened easily from either side – this will prevent someone from breaking into it by forcing open the lid with tools such as pliers or hammers.*

Developing an emergency response plan that involves the whole family

The first step to developing an emergency response plan is to sit down with your family members and decide what kind of situation would warrant its use. An earthquake, for example, requires completely different preparations than a tornado or hurricane does.

Once you’ve determined what type of emergency situation may occur in your area, the next step is to come up with a list of supplies and procedures that will help keep everyone safe during the event. If there are children in the house who are old enough to understand what’s going on but not yet old enough to take care of themselves (such as toddlers), then it’s especially important that everyone involved knows how best to protect them without panicking themselves or losing control over their emotions–this can be especially difficult if parents have never experienced anything like this before!

Basic use of cover and concealment when defending the home

Cover and concealment are the two most important things to know about when defending the home. The cover is anything that will stop a bullet, like walls, cars, and trees. Concealment hides you from view but does not stop bullets (bushes or shadows). Use cover whenever possible because it gives you protection against incoming fire while allowing you to return fire at your opponent without exposing yourself unnecessarily.

Cover only works if it’s between you and the shooter; if they have a clear shot at your head through an open window then don’t use that window as cover!

Basic flashlight and weapon-mounted light engagement

A flashlight is a handheld device that uses light-emitting diodes (LEDs) or incandescent bulbs to produce bright illumination. A weapon-mounted light is a tactical flashlight designed to be attached to the barrel of a firearm, allowing for hands-free use when engaging targets.

A flashlight can be used as an improvised self-defense tool if you’re attacked at night or in dimly lit areas where you need additional visibility. By shining it directly into an attacker’s eyes, you can temporarily blind them and give yourself time to escape or fight back!

If you have one available, mount your light onto your rifle so that both hands are free while still having access to illumination during low visibility conditions such as heavy fog/rain showers:

Home defense drills: outside the home, at the door, at the breach, and in the house

Home defense drills: outside the home, at the door, at the breach, and in the house.

Outside of your home:

  • If you are outside your house and you hear someone trying to get into it or break down the door, make as much noise as possible by yelling loudly and banging on things with sticks or rocks. This will help alert people nearby who may be able to help you defend yourself against intruders.
  • If an intruder breaks through a window or door while you are sleeping inside your home (or when nobody else is there), do not hesitate! Grab whatever weapon is handy–a knife from a kitchen drawer; a hammer from under one’s bed–and attack! Your survival instinct should take over immediately; don’t let fear paralyze your actions if this happens.

Dealing with the police after an event

If you’re arrested, you have the right to remain silent. You can also refuse to answer questions or sign anything without talking with an attorney first. If the police search your home or car without a warrant, they’ll need probable cause that a crime has been committed before they can enter–so if they ask for permission to search and don’t have it (or if there’s no emergency), say no!

You can ask for an attorney at any time during questioning by police officers–and if one isn’t available immediately, then stay silent until one arrives. If you are being detained without being formally arrested (for example: because they think they saw someone matching your description shoplift), then this right doesn’t apply until after 24 hours have passed since being detained by police


We hope this article has helped you to understand the basics of home defense training. We also want to encourage you to take the time necessary to develop a plan that works best for your family and situation. Remember that the most important thing is safety, so always be sure that any weapons or other tools used in your home defense plan are handled safely and responsibly by those who have been properly trained on how best to use them.

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